Are you looking for insights into your life?

Look no further.

Lisa Brown, Astrologer, offers personalized astrology readings to help guide you on your journey.


Natal Chart Readings

Discover the blueprint of your life and gain a deeper understanding of your personality, strengths, and challenges. We will also cover the transits you are in currently and for the next 2-3 years.

Solar Return Reading - 60 Minute Reading

Discover what the themes, potential challenges, and opportunities over the next 12 months from the time of your current birthday, until the following birthday.

Ask A Question - 30 Minute Reading

Has something happened suddenly, and you are looking for some guidance or wondering what in the world is going on? This is a 30 minute reading regarding a specific question you have about a specific circumstance that is occurring.


Relationship Timing Reading

Career Reading

Frequently Asked Questions

How accurate are astrology readings?

Astrology readings can provide valuable insights and guidance, but it's important to approach them with an open mind. I will provide insights, projections, and guidance based on astrological principles. However, astrology is subject to interpretation, and I cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information provided.

What information do you need for a reading?

For a natal chart and transit reading, we will need your date of birth, accurate time of birth, and place of birth to create an accurate analysis. I will also need your current location.

Can astrology help with major life decisions?

Astrology can offer perspective and clarity, but ultimately, the decisions are yours to make. I am not a licensed therapist, financial advisor, or medical professional. Any matters requiring such expertise should be addressed by a qualified professional. The consultation is not a substitute for professional advice, therapy, or medical treatment.
